Let the drilling commence!
Off at 3:00 p.m. today to get a cavity filled and one filling replaced. So if you hear faint screaming in the distance, don't sweat it, it's just me.
Off at 3:00 p.m. today to get a cavity filled and one filling replaced. So if you hear faint screaming in the distance, don't sweat it, it's just me.
Thanks to Jzn for pointing this out. I wondered why Rodney was spending so much time away from home.
Wow. We watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind last night after much pressure from our pals. When the credits rolled that's all I could think, WOW. I'm not really sure I should sum it up or anything because I don't want to give away anything. However, the premise is this couple breaks up and decides to erase each other from their memories. That's all I'm telling you.
Costume idea I just got: Get a burqa (those robes the women have to wear in Afghan, etc.) and cut a hole so your massive boobs are hanging out of it.
Last night my pal Lance gave some sound advice to his pal going on a date with his new little lady. He said, "If you want to get laid, I suggest you take this with you."
Just got off the phone with my mom. Her god-daughter, Harlie was there. This is a kid theMan & I have decided we would adopt in a heartbeat given the chance. Well, Harlie got on the phone and proceeded to tell me 1.) She was jumping on the bed, 2.) She was a baby monkey and 3.) She was driving my mom crazy!!! (Picture a 3-year old yelling this for the full effect).
I threw together a sweet little Picture Slideshow for your viewing pleasure of pix from this past weekend's visit with my family.
Last night we met up with our pals and watched "A Dirty Shame" by John Waters at the movie -viewing establishment. WOW. If you don't like John Waters, then obviously this ain't for you. But my god, if you do....go see this. I'd say much better than his last film, "Cecil B. Demented". It's brilliant and hilarious and dirty as hell. Some great dialogue, lines I want printed on a t-shirt, and a soundtrack I plan on scouring the planet for. Plus the tricks he used while filming...man, I just can't say enough but I don't want to give it away. If you like Mr. Waters, go see it. Nuff' said.
This weekend was great, flipping bloody great (Sorry, been watching alot of BBC). We got down to my mom's on Friday and we all sat around the kitchen table while I prepared some food for the next day's cookout just laughing and catching up. Her boyfriend (who I actually like) just proposed to her on Thursday. So she's all giddy and it's cute. The highlight though was when my mom and I laid on her bed and talked, really really talked for about an hour or so.
How cool is it that our pal, Matt Lombard, got his artwork on the COF shirt banned!?!?!?
Wow, I actually agree with a wrestler. Except, I'm still voting because I just have too.
Congrats to my pal Samara (& Will too, since he helped) on her news....can't wait to see you in November toots!
Need to write 30 words to make this post contain 80,0000 words written since I started this blog in June 2003. My god. That is a lot of words.
Have I thanked all you lovely readers lately?
Link courtesy of the Daily Dirt:
Man, everything was perfect. The actors were great, the make-up was pretty good (if I do say so myself) and I was totally prepared-storyboards, shot list, blood to squirt, everything. Except one thing....the footage was suppose to be of us driving down the street and well, having Rodney rock the van back and forth while we stay stationary to film doesn't make the scenery go by to show we're moving.
I added some pics my cousin sent me at work so I can save them at home tonight. They are pretty standard pics (even some from this weekend) but if you want to look at them....Go here and click "next" to view rest of pictures. It's your only shot at seeing what I looked like about 10 years ago I guess.
I forgot to mention that when I got the slutty shoes tonight we had a great conversation with the owner of 99th Floor. Turns out he loves "special music for special people" so of course I had to tell him about "How's Your News" and Jen K.'s site.
As promised, now that I have sobered up fully... Open My Photo Album-Click next for the full pictorial experience.
Um...what? It's morning already? Shit, I just knocked over a beer bottle on the way to turn off the alarm.
Happy Birthday Rodney!
We watched Jersey Girl last night because we're big fans of Kevin Smith movies. I hadn't heard good things about it, but we wanted to check it out anyways. Some nights aren't good for dramatic documentaries and anxiety causing political investigations, okay?
Last night I got a SCREAMING lecture over the phone (speaker phone no less) about something absolutely stupid from my boss. I wrote a memo because we kept canceling a meeting I was trying to set up for him to discuss our company website. This pissed him off apparently. He was screeching that I'm just a secretary, I can't make meetings (um, he told me to), he knows I never tried to set up any meetings about the website (I have 3 memos proving I did) and he's fucking tired of this bullshit and that this isn't a democracy...etc. I literally put the phone down on my desk and listened for it to go quiet about 2-3 solid minutes later. He was screaming obsenities at me, which wouldn't bother me if I could scream them back.
I just almost passed out from excitement and openly wept at my cubicle in the same 5 minutes.
Here are the pics from this morning's K-9 Terror Search on the train. Thank god for George "Dubya" Bush.
I was on the phone with my cousin last night and we were looking through old pictures long distance. I happened upon this gem:
What's a couple ways to make yourself feel less stressed?
I forgot to mention that Saturday we went to a CD release party for some shitty band. Here's a hint: If you are having a huge CD release party where you hope to have new people buy your CD, don't show up drunk and play like shit. It makes me NEVER want to hear you again.
We were just late about 30 minutes because the Chicago Police were using an indepent security firm to search every single "L" rail car with dogs. The train announcer didn't know why he just said they were checking every car that morning and sorry for the delay.
How did we celebrate Patriot Day? Well, after wading through the 20,000 drunk yuppies at the German American festival, we just returned from a kick ass late night joint for food: Celtic Pub on Western. Holy shit! I got 1 lb. of hot wings and a salad for $7.00. They were good too. If only I could get a job where I go around the city, hell the country, and find the best wings. I'd sign up in a heartbeat.
Last night I watched a movie I used to love when I was younger: Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. A classic and great campy fun, but the real thing that surprised me was reading her bio in the special features section.
I just overhead that Cheney has suggested or outright said (however, I can't find the quote) that if Kerry is elected we can expect another "September 11th".
I forgot to mention we did have one casualty this weekend during the filming. I lost my wedding ring. I asked someone to set it in the toolbox while I was getting all latexed and now it's gone. It must have fallen out. I've sent out a few frantic emails so we'll see. I think it's long gone though.
It's cold outside which means it's basically fall which means it's almost Halloween which means there is Pumpkin Ale available in your local liquor store which means....
Just returned from the dentist. I would complain about the fact that I have to get drilled next week to replace a lost filling and fill another cavity. The fact that I just bought us a $125.00 toothbrush that is suppose to do everything but clean my toilet. Or the fact that the dental hygenist found the lost filling by sticking her sharp pokey thing in the hole in my tooth cuasing me to jump out of the chair (literally). Or even that the only way to fix my stained front teeth is by veneers (about $1000 worth) or seeing if grinding would work, which he doubts. But I won't. Because none of that compares to the amount of work my poor baby has to endure.
Some pix from our trip, as promised:
Sunday: We loaded up the cars and headed to the location where we dropped off Ash and went to my dad’s to check out the props he built us. After that we cruised back to the Curran’s parent’s house for the best coneys I have ever had in my ENTIRE LIFE. Rodney is diligently working on getting the recipe for me. Holy cripes. Rodney’s mom’s coney sauce is legendary and it lived up to it. TRUST ME.
If anyone took digital pics at the zombie shoot on Monday and would like to send them to me, please e-mail to:
Sorry for the tardy post, however my body completely shut down as of 12:00 am on Monday night and I pretty much slept up until this morning. Give or take a few hours for a couple cold ones.
Just got back and I have 2 feelings: Deliriously happy, deliriously exhausted.
We're getting ready to leave for the big zombie shoot! Cars are all packed and check-lists have been gone over thoroughly. Egads, we might just pull this off.
Entirely too many pictures of me uploaded in the Zombie Album for your viewing pleasure.
First things first: Happy Birthday Matt!! (Yesterday) Sure miss you guys!
Guess who I get to go see in 2 weeks!?!?!?!
How can you miss a kid who isn't even yours?
The name of (insert my real name) creates a very quiet, practical nature and a clever and inventive mind. Being analytical and naturally studious, you are interested in a factual understanding of the mysteries of life. Your methodical nature requires that you like to finish what you start without interruptions and also to have everything in its place and properly organized.
Did I say earlier that I liked rain?
I recently met Matt in living form and was pleasantly entertained. Not only is he a witty muthafucka, but I thoroughly enjoy his writing. Maybe you will too? I included a bit from his blog that got me thinking fuzzy thoughts. Check him out.
I finished reading the The Invisibles last night about 1:00 a.m. Any of you read this epic series? My goodness. I can admit when I don't understand something, for instance "The Matrix" or "Donnie Darko". I don't get it totally okay? And I've watched them both about 20 times. And well, I can't totally wrap my head around this story either. There I said it. However, that doesn't mean they aren't all breathtakingly well-written. (Speaking of "The Matrix," I think those Wachowski brothers have some explaining to do to Mr. Morrison.)