Little homesick
How can you miss a kid who isn't even yours?

But I do, I do so much.
So I'm going back home to film this weekend and it's got me a little homesick. The cure for that, look through old pics. So as I'm searching through my pooter tonight, I got all nostalgic. I thought I'd post some for your viewing pleasure, because let's be honest, a blog is better when it isn't just words. And I've posted ALOT of words today. I think I'm up to 4 posts today alone.
Here goes:

A-knee-tah Skeeter, whom I will be placing my hands on her big ol' belly this weekend.

Nigel &, both of which I will be forced to squeeze uncontrollably.

theMan & Beads, ain't they cute?

I just posted this one because I love that wig.

My mom cutting a rug. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree?

My little bro, Chip, defying gravity.

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