
The Big Let-Down

I just almost passed out from excitement and openly wept at my cubicle in the same 5 minutes.

Sims 2 will be released!!! Yay!....but probably not for the Mac for another year.

I was going to post that you wouldn't be hearing from me for the next 8 weeks while I played Sims 2 like a junkie getting some smack after a stint in rehab, but I guess not.

Just to let you in on my addiction...when the original Sims came out I played it non-stop for almost 5 months. Then for x-mas, my husband bought me every single expansion pack which I still play. In fact, I recently purchased the latest one where you can cast spells, etc. I really just like building houses and creating stories for the characters. Hmmm...I guess I did get one trait from my bio-dad, besides blonde hair, since he's an architect.

One time theMan accidentally erased my towns I created and I thought we were going to have to have marriage counseling.

Sims 2 has better characters with tons of stuff to buy & build and the game play is so much different and better. I'd probably actually play the game like it was intended. Damn it. Damn it. Time to build me a PC. Ugh.


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