
Uterus, quit bothering me

Just got off the phone with my mom. Her god-daughter, Harlie was there. This is a kid theMan & I have decided we would adopt in a heartbeat given the chance. Well, Harlie got on the phone and proceeded to tell me 1.) She was jumping on the bed, 2.) She was a baby monkey and 3.) She was driving my mom crazy!!! (Picture a 3-year old yelling this for the full effect).

This past weekend and hearing her little cute voice again is not making these "settling down" urges go away. Uterus, will you please please please stop with the pestering already!!


Blogger Mrs. T said...

You sure you don't want to join the rest of the GWO's??? **wink**

9:31 AM

Blogger Kitten said...

Toots, there is a HUGE part of me that wants to join you all immediately. But for right now, I can't. So just expect your kids to be smothered in hugs, kisses, and hip clothes from their Auntie M.

11:08 AM


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