Carlin is God

Yesterday was a blast! Even the traffic on the expressway was easy as pie. We got into town around 3:30, looked through a bunch of old pictures, had a couple glasses of champagne and chatted as we always do. Before Carlin, we got some incredible steak & shrimp at a Japanese steakhouse. So good, so so so good.
Then the main event: George Carlin!!! His opening act was pretty good, although I cannot remember his name. And when you are waiting to see George Carlin, well it was hard for me to care.
He comes out with this huge, long ass rant that pretty much sums up our culture. Then as a transition to his next piece of work, he belts out: "Why doesn't anybody ever talk about pussy farts in public?"
This guy made a rant on suicide freaking hilarious! I love him, I love him, I love him.
Today, it's movie time. Since Jen K. is super busy with a paying film gig, I've sorta taken on some of the filming by myself. I'm super nervous. I'll be honest, but we'll see how it goes.
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