
Bummer dude

I forgot to mention that Saturday we went to a CD release party for some shitty band. Here's a hint: If you are having a huge CD release party where you hope to have new people buy your CD, don't show up drunk and play like shit. It makes me NEVER want to hear you again.

It also makes the band before you seem even more kick ass....Sweet Cobra. Even the name rocks.

Anyways, yesterday's filming didn't turn out so hot. The scene I was suppose to film on my own didn't get started until late and then I couldn't get the lighting right, plus the actor had to leave. So no dice. Plus I fought with theMan all day, which is always shitty. Then our scene had to be cut short because we lost light and we didn't know our lines. So yea, now the panic is setting in. We have 10 more scenes to film, Jen K. is starting school in 2 weeks and got hired to do make-up and wardrobe on another independent film (they are paying her so that is definitely a big project!) and it's getting darker earlier. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

This will not be one more thing I don't finish, god damn it.

Not only that but my house is a wreck, I haven't been doing good at work at all (expecting a lecture any second), I have a ton of things to do with bills, plane tickets, etc. and I swear I think I've gained 5-10 lbs. in the past 5 months because nothing fits right anymore. Christ.

I'm a drama queen. I know this.


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