Whew....I have a lot to post today. So bear with me.
The farting preacher is the funniest shit I've seen in quite awhile. The whole website at religionisbullshit.com is pretty humorous as well. Do yourself a favor and download this video.
We had a pretty excellent weekend I must say. Watched
Punch Drunk Love this weekend and it was awesome. Just forget you are watching a film with Adam Sandler in it and your expectations will rise. This is the same director who did Magnolia and Boogie Nights, so expect the same genius.
On Friday, we finally got to see
Cell Dweller at the Bottom Lounge. We've been waiting many many years to finally see Mr. Albert live and it was worth it. Sometimes cheesy but the music was good and better than the average stage show. Might I also comment on the freshly shorn chest of Klayton....that man takes great pride in his man-scaping. For the record, I thought the bassist was the cutest, but I'm not so into ripped goth dudes personally. Anyhoo, enough of my teenage horny girl ramblings....the new CD is a must have so go get it already. I wouldn't lead you astray?!
I have 2 discoveries today that make me giddy.
Neverwhere, the series is available on DVD! I've been wanting to see this forever but I live in the US, not the UK, so I couldn't. So I ordered my copy off Amazon.com licketdy-split. I've been assured that it's not as good as the book (when are they?) but it should be a good few hours of entertainment anyways. YAY! Secondly, I've started reading
Coraline by Neil Gaiman because my awesome cousin got it for me for my birthday. It's pretty captivating so far and I'm just a speck into it. It's more for children I suppose, sort of like Clive Barker's "The Thief of Always," but still a good read.
I've started playing
Magic again with the old roomies. It's fun being nerdy, I don't care what anyone says. All I know is, nothing incites the giggles like someone playing their "Shaleskin Bruiser". Holla!
Ohhhh....I just love finding a deal. If you are patient, DVDs that you crave will go on sale for $9.99 at CompUSA like this one did. WEEE!
UHF on DVD for cheap!
Okay, I'm off to rest now. I managed to catch the cold theMan had last week. So I'm puny tonight. Egads. Pleasant Mondays.