
I'm going to get some stuff off my chest today.

I'm really looking forward to my next Girl's Weekend Out. Especially with the bad news in our little group, I really want to pool all our female energy together again to support our bud. Only a few more weeks, ladies!! I'd be happy to just sit around the fire and talk until we go hoarse. I know our pal needs support and I'm glad she has it where she lives, just wish we could be there too for her. It's amazing, I met these girls by some chance meeting and then we instantly clicked. I like that. Less bullshit, let's get right to being homies.

I also am facing the decision of whether to go visit my sister in boot camp in a couple weeks. I don't know if I can actually go or not, since I've been working weekends. I know I could take a day if I needed too. It's easier to make excuses though. She can have visitors after 3 weeks of no contact with anyone other than the church nuts. Of course only visitors that are immediate family (remember the no uncles rule?) I'm fully expecting to see her and she's a Bible zombie, but I guess it's better than being a junkie. At least she'll be healthy. Her birthday is October 8th and no one can tell her Happy Birthday other than people inside the place. That makes me sad. Do they know it's her birthday? My mom always makes a point to make our birthdays special and it sucks she'll be alone. On the other hand, she did it to herself and she's 23 years old. So what can you do? What to do.....I should go see her.

October is going to be a busy month and damn cold too. It's 40 degrees here today. I vaguely remember it being summer like 2 weeks ago? What happened?!?!

I wanted to share a few things, Playboy has an awesome issue this month. It has an article with Quentin Tarantino about his new movie KILL BILL, 20 questions with Bill Murray, plus nude chicks of course.

Also, my dad made an interesting discovery about psycho chicks which I think may help my guy friends out there. I'll post more on this later today.

Well, enough rambling. Adios!


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