I was reading a book review online and came upon this quote:
"For ten years in publishing I read, on average, four novels a week. Now the thought of reading fiction no longer appeals to me. It's more than that I'm too tired or that there's a war unfolding in Iraq. What keeps me from opening any of the new novels that friends from work send over is a feeling that fiction is hubris. With all of the real pain going on in the world, it strikes me as gratuitous, objectionable even, that writers feel a need to create tragedies. So many already exist."
Now books don't turn me off like this, but I'll admit something that does lately...movies with excessive violence or sadness. I get no amount of grief for this when renting movies with the sister or husband, they tend to like things sadistic. While I appreciate their iron stomachs and brain bleach ability, I can't take it anymore.
I can barely work up the guts to rewatch films where I know what freaking happens in them.
This doesn't change my love of horror movie artwork and set design, I just don't want to watch it if I wasn't there making the thing in the first place. I just keep thinking when I'm browsing Netflix or the movie rental place that there is enough shit going on now, why would I want one of my escapes to make me feel sad? Simple? Probably. Lame? Well, that's like your opinion man.
I like a good cry and I like a good action film, and I'm all about a decent coming of age story. I just can't hack the "Hostel" or the "High Tension" or even the "Devil's Rejects." Even though if Rob Zombie needed me to carry his child for him, I would gladly give out all of my eggs like a dam Ovary ATM.
My problem is I keep thinking about what I saw, over and over. I can barely watch the news now. I gave up watching any films with rape scenes in them a long time ago. (Never even seen the ass rape scene in Pulp Fiction.) Either I'm going insane or well, I'm not sure. This makes me incredibly lame with my hardcore film loving buds. It also makes me feel like I'm puporsely living in oblivion on current events. I just can't take it.
So there's my secret for the week. Can we still hang out?