Room 201-A
It's been raining up a storm here this week. Damn near filled up the holler. (Hear that? That was my 12th grade Academic English teacher cringing.) So in all this muck and mire, I've taken refuge at my grandmother's house for cards. Not just any cards either. No, the time honored tradition of 4 hour marathon torture hands of Shanghai that my family likes to inflict on those willing to sacrifice their attention span. Last night we went from 6:30 until 11:00 p.m., almost non-stop.
S-words were handed down from sweet little grandmothers, mothers and daughters no longer joined in alliance, and animosity filled the room. We also laughed our asses off and some of us probably peed a little.
We came in and got the niceties out of the way and got down to the business at hand. (Get it, hand? I'm full of puns tonight!) So much fun was had that it's inspired me to put together a little Cousin Card Clambake* for all of us once a month. Expect invitations shortly.
Tonight though, in the middle of baking 3 loaves of banana-blueberry-pumpkin bread to get rid of the browning bananas my grandma gave me (being poor makes me revert back to my great-grandmother's Depression-era ways. I currently stand outside the shower and ration off shampoo to theMan as well.) I went to the hospital to visit my grandfather who is back in, now twice this month, to get help with his breathing. I have a post brewing about this that I don't want to do here yet. I just want you to send some vibes his way. Good loving internet vibes that you guys are good at. He's one of my role models and I don't like him suffering.
That being said, we're enjoying our time here in HomeTownVille. It takes 5 minutes to get anywhere, have I mentioned that? Not that there are a ton of places to go, but if we wanted to...5 minutes! I was even pleasantly surprised to find they don't charge you for library cards!
So, just plugging along. I have an idea for a business too I want to share with you but alas, our bed draws me near. So good night lovelies and keep those grandfather healthy vibes coming.
*(clam·bake (kl

You can count me in. I have enough room for 6 around our table, however we can always squeeze a couple more if necessary. Plus maybe we could include bring a snack & 2 liter bottle to share so no one is really "hosting".
6:18 AM
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