
Lessons learned

Things I’ve learned living in HomeTownVille:

-Either I have taken up sleepwalking out into the yard and rolling around in the grass, or the mosquitos here are so bold that they will invite themselves in and feast on your skin buffet in the privacy of your own home. I wake up with new itchies every...single...day.

-You can talk to an acquaintance in the middle of the street and no one will honk, they will just drive around you. That is, if there is much traffic anyways.

-People wave, regardless if they know you are not.

-People help each other, even strangers. I’ve had our yard tilled, our water turned on, our sink fixed, our boxes and furniture moved in, our pantry stocked by people without anyone asking for anything in return. And not all of these people are relatives!

-Things like knowing someone at the Water Dept. here can get things done in 4 hours versus 3 days. Everyone knows someone somewhere that can help you too.

-Turns out I am allergic to poison ivy.

-When it’s foggy and stormy out, like last week, I feel like I’m living in Silent Hill.

-Did I mention that only in the Midwest am I allergic to poison ivy? So much that I have it on my face…sigh.

Overall though, a decent experiment so far!


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