Happy Birthday Bumbee Butt Sugar Bear!

You came to us all last year on this very date. One year ago today. Wow. Time flies but then I think of all those days before you got here when you couldn’t come fast enough so we could all make sure you were okay!
You were so tiny, so so tiny. Like a little bird. But quickly you’ve grown into a sack of flour with the cutest grin I’ve known.
Coen, you have brought an immeasurable amount of joy into my life as my nephew. A joy I have never known before. I cannot even put it into words. Your fat cheeks, your dimply thighs, that infectious giggle and oh how you smile when we walk in the door for our weekly mandatory-or-we’ll-go-nuts visits with you. You are so busy and explore everything. You cannot sit quietly because OH MY GOD THERE IS A WORLD TO SEE PEOPLE. I love that about you. Our little adventurer.
You are at a water park today with your parents and no doubt you are losing your tiny little mind at the gigantic bathtubs that you are allowed to stay in all day long that don’t require evil soap and washcloths while you’re in them. Your momma has promised 1,000 pictures and I can’t wait to see them.
So, enjoy your day Bumbee. We love you very very very much.
Aunt D.