Zombie Bait

Our pal Darren is leaving Chicago after over a decade for the lovely landscapes of Utah this week. To ensure he still has money coming in during those frozen tundra months, we've purchased a couple paintings and some furniture off of him.
Just when I thought I couldn't do any further design work on our place...but at least now we have all sorts of things (plus a box full of books) to remind us of his crazy wine-induced ramblings. ;)
I will be pretty absent this week (not that I have been so good about posting daily or anything) because I am taking pictures at a conference my work is hosting. I signed up because I thought, like last year, I'd get drunk with my friend Andrea and eat free food. Since she has been let go, looks like I have to focus. Project: Be More Positive At Work and In Life is going swimmingly too. Day 1.
Weight loss, eh....not so much. But I pick up some weights and a weight bench this weekend so maybe that will get me to focus more. Blah.
For fun though, I think I love watching the candidates simply for all the back-tracking. It's almost like tennis. If only arguing and lying burned calories.
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