

Sigh...I’ll be honest, as usual, and say that lately reading the stories of all the awful things we do to one another makes me not want to have children.

Yea, it’s the chicken way to go but it’s how I feel in this moment. What is wrong with our world? A world in which a 14-year-old thinks it’s a great idea to be able to point a gun and shoot people to kill them? Think about how much emotion that really takes? How unattached he was to the idea of taking human life. On the other side, a world in which he warns people but they are too busy or too unaffected to take notice. Do we not care? Are we so overburdened with our day-to-day meaningless activities that we cannot take a breath and help?

I’m so guilty of this as well. My main problem (and probably why my husband gets so frustrated with me) is that I really have a narrow focus. I care strongly about the people in my life and when they are affected, I get outraged. Yet, I don’t pay enough attention to the world at large. But then these things happen and I think, maybe my way is not so bad. If I noticed someone in my office despondent and enraged, I would like to think I’d talk to them. But maybe not. No one can say what they would do in that situation. But I’m starting to think that if our human race is going to survive we better all start caring about those around us a little more.

Feels like time to unplug and get our hands dirty. Talk to one another and turn off the TVs, something. Something to connect...I'm longing for it.


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