When monkeys fly

Yea, about that singing business. I'm absolutely mortified of singing in public and especially dancing unless I've had libations. So when the company rented out a bar and provided tunes on Friday (after already having beer at lunch with my boss) well, I drank 6 Coronas and sang Material Girl and Brickhouse while doing interpretive dance. I also stole my boss' nametag and went around firing people. We'll see if my cubicle is cleaned out tomorrow morning. :)
But the Matherlys....oh how I miss thee already. They came in, ate awesomely bad, let us subject them to cheap Swedish furniture and maternity shopping and then had the decency to let me talk their ear off and eat dessert in our living room (while the boys went to a concert). Of course, it wouldn't be a visit from them if it wasn't unseasonably warm. They have came all different times of the year and every single time, it's hot as balls.
So I've posted pics in Flickr and hopefully they got home in time for naps and football. Thanks for coming dudes!
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