Well tonight is the night. It's 12:54 a.m. and we're winding down on the packing. Tomorrow we venture out to Chicago with $50.00 in our pocket, half a pack of cigarettes and sunglasses. Or something.
Today I left my job with the insurance agency for the second time in my life. This time a little longer than the last, but still. They should be pissed and all but instead they gave me some friendly ribbing and a sword for my adventures.
At least I got something out of that job besides a nervous breakdown and crappy health insurance.
Tomorrow morning we head out to our new apartment and new jobs in the big city. Though it may have been the wrong decision to live in HomeTownVille again, I will absolutely cherish the last 6 months that I have spent with my family and friends. I got to spend time with both of my grandparents, more than I would otherwise, before they passed away. I was able to stay at family dinners, and I met weekly for cards with my nearest and dearest. I'd eat lunch with my grandparents and sometimes my mom. I also got to see my brother and father(s) and learn a whole lot about myself in the process. I kinda feel like I came back and tied up loose ends.
So has it been worth the nervous breakdown and near financial ruin? Yes.
I would have never had these opportunities to make the memories we did. So off we go, back to the city that always welcomes us back, but I'm taking with me a lovely experience. I got to come home again, even if it was only for 6 months.