Now I know what freebasing is

I traveled to Ohio (while my luggage went on another flight, but that's a story for another time) to see my gals. We talked until 2:00 a.m. the first night, laid around and ate and took pictures and talked more the next night and then went shopping and to fondue before saying good-bye on Sunday.
As a bonus, I got to see Monkey & Ava interact with each other all weekend again making my ovaries bounce around in my uterus like a pinball machine. PLUS, Jennifer and Samara let me photograph them in all their gorgeous glory. It was just a jam-packed estrogen filled good time.
When I returned, not only did I get to fall back in my man's arms, but we got to baby-sit the Coney Sauce for almost 2 uninterrupted hours. He showed us his gratitude by soaking our bed with his pee and falling asleep on my chest. Cute.
I've uploaded a ton of pics in Flickr. Even some of the Coen-ator. You know what to do.
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