
8 years ago on Halloween you made me your wife. For that, I'll always thank you.
For insisting we put the refreshments in a coffin at our wedding, I'll always give you my heart.
LOVE you baby....truly madly deeply.
Turns out Coen wants to get here sooner than later. There are a few issues with Mr. Baby Poopypants so they are going to induce Sis on Monday. They have asked me to come up tomorrow night and hang out until the blessed event. Because theMan's job fell out for a week, he gets to go too!
Man....just when I think I'm done with photographing other people and am going to stick with just photos of my hair. Oh no. From chatting with my girls, we got the idea to shoot my girlfriends in semi-erotic poses so they can feel good about how lovely they are.
I was invited over to visit with Harlie tonight at Mom's because since she's started "big girl" school, I don't see her as often. Proved to be a night of dress-up, Bratz role-playing and general screaming and mayhem. I was only there for 2 hours.
2 weeks until our 8 year anniversary. For all the troubles we've been having lately with finances, it sure makes my stomach bubble thinking we've made it this far.
To summarize....I got my hair cut (very cute I might add by the lovely Jamie), I bought leggings despite all the fashion blogs I read telling me to use better judgement (they were $4.00, I couldn't resist) and I bought salt and pepper shakers for theMan that make me feel like I've de-evolved as a compassionate human being. How was your weekend?
I haven't mentioned this yet because I wasn't sure how to properly bring it up. Kinda like when you're at a dinner party with a ton of hiply dressed intellectuals and you're desperately trying not to be a wallflower since Cosmo gave you all those great conversation starters. There's this girl telling all about her recent trip to Paris and you wonder when you can chime in with "Hey, I'm apart of this great group that can and will help our community!" without sounding like a groupie. Because damn it, you want people to listen to you! (and think you're cool too.)
I've added a link to my sidebar that was brought to my attention last night from the other room by theMan. Seems like one of our favorite authors and philosopher's is ailing and becoming poor due to medical bills. So poor he can't pay his rent.
Just realized this weekend will be the last time I see my Sis before the baby is born, with the exception of when she's in labor. Holy frijoles.
Man, this weekend feels like it alternately went on for 3 years and went by way too fast.