I usually start off the new year with a long complicated list of things I want to accomplish. This is also the way I live my life thus only really getting a couple things done and feeling bad about all that left undone. This year I'm going about it differently. My one and only goal for 2008, well okay 2 goals for 2008:
1.) Be debt free by 30. (August 18 for those keeping score.) This includes car, school loans, credit cards, EVERYTHING. I want to owe no one by August and then I want to start saving for Italy and who knows, maybe a house.
2.) Focus 100% on my health and appearance. Yes, the typical goal of losing 20 lbs. but I want to get in great shape. I want to be fit, whatever size that leads me too. I'm tired of this fucking weight battle and lately I've been tired and feeling like crap 90% of the time. This also includes spending more money on better-fitting clothes made from nice materials (not buying something just because it's $10) and actually putting on good, well-suited make-up. Time will tell.
I know how I'm going to do #1 as we are currently and have been doing it. But #2 is a different story. My doctor told me to do Weight Watchers and I'm considering the investment, even paying the dues to join. I also want to take some dance classes this year as I love it so. So we shall see. I might make a trip down to Indiana to pick up weights and our weight bench in a couple weeks (not signing up for the gym, see goal #1) so this will help too.
I'm starting off the new year not great, but with an experiment while I figure out what route to take. I'm taking a picture of everything I eat (mostly, what I miss I'll write below the pic) for a week. All the pictures
will be here.
The goal is to have a group of photos that aren't all beige, although I fear it will be as I know I eat way too many carbs. Maybe at the end of this I'll do it again.