One of those nights

Not sure if you've ever had one of those nights/mornings where you were actually so excited to get to work and do mundane tasks because you know nothing from left field would be thrown your way.
That was today for me.
Tuesday night, no problem! I did some power yoga, made a healthy dinner of chicken breast, 1/2 cup brown rice and sauteed peppers and watched Mystery Science Theater 3000-"It Lives at Night." Later I read until I fell asleep on my man's lap. (Face up, you pervs.)
But then it started. We have steam radiators in our apartment, one in every room. And occasionally they will go off like a demented tea kettle on the brink of explosion. We are used to them now. The first night? Sounded like the lunch bell at the steel mill. Now we know they go off randomly and always at 6:00 a.m. on the dot for some reason.
What they don't do is constantly go off at full metal guitar solo decibel level for 6 fucking hours until at 5:00 a.m. you cannot stand another seceond of it and proceed to call everything "God damn" this and "God damn" that. Then you call your very sweet but totally ADD afflicted landlord and a big whiney baby.
Oh, no what else sucks? Your iMac, the one thing left to completely pay off does a loud POP!!!! at 4:00 a.m., smokes and shuts down. The one thing you use for photography, writing, bill paying and general computing...
I used 2 Weight Watcher points this morning for a latte. Caffiene take me away.
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