I said day-um!!

My belly is sorta fascinating to me, I admit. I pick clothes that show it off to maximum levels and constantly stare down at it. I mean, it's just....round-ish and potrudish and eeep. I love it.
Besides not wearing anything but maternity pants, my other big introduction into pregnancy is my feet. I can't wear heels anymore. They shoot pains up my legs instantly, when I used to get by with pointy thin-heeled shoes all day at work. So I went and splurged and grabbed 3 pairs of flats today. (All on sale of course, geeez)
But bonus, the nausea and cramping and feeling like I'm going to start my period is gone. I even get full faster, so I figure something is cramping my stomach in there. The heartburn is still present and apples make me want to puke. But I feel like I'm at that stage where you'd forget you were pregnant if you could just see your crotch while standing up and looking down.
Nutrition though....eh, sorta not doing that great on eating well. I take my vitamins and I try to get a couple fruits and veggies a day, but honestly, I feel like having turkey sandwiches and chocolate constantly. Eh, I suppose it should get used to its mother early.
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