Outfits fit for a Embryo

It was kinda hard though. I mean, we tilted back and forth from trying to find something "perfect" and "special" to just something that didn't have gender specific qualities. After an hour of sorting through baseball bats and princess shirts, I was ready to just buy the kid his/her first Halloween costume and be done with it.
theMan picked this out so now it's hanging on the door to the "nursery." I use the term "nursery" in quotes because honestly, it's just a big closet. The kid won't sleep in there but it's going to be used specifically for baby paraphenilia and probably a changing table. However, I will be decorating it as much as humanly possible. Why not? I've run out of room everywhere else in the house to put up knick knacks. This kid owes me just for the stretch marks alone! :) I kid, sorta.
Also, we found pics of theMan when he was little as we were going through a box of things his brother gave us. Good sweet god. I did the sign of the cross and said, “Carla (mother-in-law), you know I love you” but then I assured theMan that I was dressing our kids or at least not using them as science experiments to see if 2 atrocious colors can work together without causing blindness.
Holy god. He looked awful. And this coming from the girl that willingly got a mullet. But he owned and wore at least 3 times a week yellow sweatpants. YELLOW!?!? I didn’t even know they made them!? While I think it's endearing, I also know he wasn't a huge hit with the ladies and he huffed butane at one point. Surely those sweatpants were the cause of both of those hardships. No child should bear the weight of yellow sweatpants repeatedly through his/her tender adolescent years.
We found a pic of him leaving for school in a shirt that says “This whole week has been a Monday.”
I said, “Really? 1st grade that stressful, eh?”
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