8 Weeks 3 days corrected

Best appointment ever!
I apparently am just a week behind b/c we got the little bugger on the last try of that month. Who knew! So I’m only 8 weeks 3 days, not 9 weeks 3 days. He almost doubled in size, 1.1 to 1.8 cm and the heartbeat went from 140 to 167!! It really looks like a baby too. Kinda weird!!
I have 3 new cysts, which the doctor said she wanted to see, that means it’s sustaining the pregnancy. Also, I have a slight bleed behind the pregnancy, I even saw it on the u/s. Dr. B. said that I might see some spotting or more than likely my body will just absorb it. I'll already very politely asked my uterus to absorb it, as I do not want to see any blood.
BUT I cannot do anything that might irritate it like running (no big deal there) or the lovins (bummer) until whenever my next u/s is. I’ve officially been moved to the new OB practice and when she said “Sustainable pregnancy” I nearly kissed her. WOOO HOOOO!!!
New due date: 3/15/08
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