
Banging Veins Boogaloo 2

Blood draw #2 is in the can people! I'm hoping with all my might that it's fine, my HcG has doubled and my progesterone is A-OK. But if not, we'll figure it out. Will know tomorrow by noon, doctor promised not to make me wait all weekend!

It's really hard to explain but I am sooooo calm. I feel more at peace and happy than I have in a long time.

Even when I've nt been sleeping great (laying awake at 3:00 a.m. every night) or not being able to "drop the deuce" or even the chemical taste I get when I try to eat anything but salad. I love all of it!

Everyone keeps asking all these questions about if we'll find out the sex, who will be in the room, will I get an epidural and honestly, I don't have any idea nor do I really care. C-section, epidural, chanting by Gregorian Monks. I could give a shit. I just want that sweet little baby at the end of this, healthy and perfect and here.

I hope this works.


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