
You see, we live in a 600 sq. ft. apartment in Chicago. It's technically 2 bedrooms but one of which is our dining room/work space which we really can't give up. Coupled with a chest freezer to store breast milk and a bedroom that can barely hold our mismatched set of furniture now, we were at a loss about what to do with all the kid's stuff.
And it's not like like we weren't willing to sacrifice, we were out of stuff to pitch.
Now I'm not a girl that likes brands or thinks this kid needs only the best and biggest. I scored us seriously awesome hand-me-downs and weeded out anything really unnecessary for only the basics.
I used a dresser we already had as her changing table/storage. I used cloth totes labeled for bath/toys/bigger clothes for storage. I got a sweet shelving system from my sister for a diaper changing/medicine & blanket holding station and utilized the hooks and bars already in the closet for clothing. The only thing that won't fit in there is her sleeping quarter, which we have in our room.
After all is said and done, I'm proud of my little nursery-closet. It didn't even have a light in it until I installed two. See photos of the transformation here.
Now we just need her to come give her opinion.
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