
Induction into the Hall of Vajango

Tomorrow is my 40 week doctor appointment. They told me at my last one I should get some sort of plan for how long we're going to let this go on. In my soft focus dreamworld of labor I didn't include Pitocin or anything, but seriously I'll get over it. Quickly. There, look, I'm over it.

The docs don't like to induce until the last possible option, so I'm wondering if they are going to "strip my membranes" or any of that other witchery first. But I'm not leaving tomorrow until I have a "last possible date." Maybe even an official appointment at the hospital for induction.

Had to call in to work today and use another vacation day because my ankles and hands are so swollen it hurts to move. I can't even close my left hand completely. Thankfully work understands and most everybody keeps looking at me with pity and saying "Why are you here?"

Walking around, screwing, spicy food....fuck you. Okay? None of it has worked, all it's given me are 2 hours of contractions then nothing and heartburn like a mofo. So today I slept until noon, kept my PJ's and robe on all day and just laid around. Figure if I'm going into labor or I'm going to be induced, I'll need the energy.

My sister asked me today if I was freaked out about this kid coming out my crotch and honestly, I'm not. I'm just not worried about labor at all. I have no expectations for how it will go because my body has never done this before, so whatever it decides to do is fine. She will come out one of two ways. What I am freaked about is the big WHEN!? When will this go down? Will my water break or contractions actually stick around when...? Will I be on the train, alone, when....? When will I stop getting hopeful when every time it's just needing to go to the bathroom?

Here's hoping tomorrow I know a little more about when we're going to meet this little lady. To say we are excited is an understatement!


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