
Screaming in my head

Thinking positively by repeating the following while sitting in my cubicle: "I love that I have a job, I love that I have a paycheck, I love that I can wear jeans and sparkly pink tops and my hair in pigtails, I love that I work with my husband...."

However, the nails on chalkboard sound of my Psychotic Co-Worker's rotten mouth noise on her phone talking so everyone can hear about how she is sick (do you really think every single client that calls cares when they ask the obligatory "How are you?") and that she is feeling hypo-glicemic every single day at 12:00 when she needs to eat. (No bitch, it's becuase you're hungry, like the rest of the planet at lunchtime.) Or how she slams everything down so people will pay attention to her or drags her cloven feet everywhere or answers all rhetorical questions....

Sorry, where was I. "I love that I have a job, I love that I have a paycheck, I love that I can wear jeans and sparkly pink tops and my hair in pigtails, I love that I work with my husband...."


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