Fat Bottomed Girls
I forgot to tell you folks about the awesome finds I got this weekend. 1.) a dress for $7 with high heels all over it and 2.) another weird t-shirt for my collection....
See for yourselves!

Although it's incredibly tight, see-through and unflattering so I gotta wait till I feel really slutty to wear it. Like today!
Also, I don't usually give too many CD reviews on here because well, I'm not usually hip on stuff. However, a new CD has come out that has blown my mind. Neurosis's new CD "Eye of Every Storm" is fucking amazing. Plus it was recorded in Chicago, a bonus. Not heavy metal, it's well, hard to describe. Reminds me of Deftones "White Pony" mixed with a little Pink Floyd ambience, and the occasional Tom Waits vocals, and well.....I just don't know. It's good okay?
Night night.
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