Get Er' Done!
Awww...what a flipping great weekend. Don't know why I was worried. Just to start things off here's a few pix and a link to a slideshow I threw together for my family. It's standard family pics, and they look like shit because iMovie was giving me hassle but oh well. You get the idea.

Family Pix slideshow
Need Quicktime to view and don't harass me about the quality. ;)
Okay, beware: LONG RECAP AHEAD!
Thursday we spent 12 hours in the car to go pick her up and then take her to our dad's. It was pretty fun though since we spent the car time singing to some tunes and catching up. Once we got to dad's we decided to go to the local Wal-Mart to get some life jackets for our boating expedition on Friday. I was in that store no more than 2 seconds before I saw 3 people I knew. Ah, small towns.
We came back home and hit the sheets. theMan stayed up and sat out on the porch taking in the country air for awhile. It was sooo nice being out in the middle of nowhere.
Friday we woke up early, Dad fixed us breakfast and we headed off to the lake for some boating. Dad has pretty much built this boat up from parts he's bought so this was a trial run. It didn't start for awhile so we swam why he coaxed the motor. Finally it started and we zipped around the lake for a couple hours. In the middle of the lake we all jumped in and that's when my sister decided to tell us about the over population of snakes in the area. We high tailed it back to the boat and wouldn't you know a snake swam up right beside the boat. That killed the swimming so we just relaxed out in the sun. We ended up having to paddle and push the boat back because for some reason it wouldn't start again. No big deal though....we abide.
My grams fixed us an awesome lunch with all sorts of fresh veggies and sweet corn. YUM!!!! We sat around and visited with them for awhile and headed out to my mom's for a cookout. That was pretty fun too. Got to see the entire family and eat non-stop. After everyone left we played with Harlie and passed out.
Saturday we got up early and met up with Dad, Chip and the Timmermans at Red Lobster. It was pretty good, better than I remembered. We then all ventured toward the local mall and shopped for a couple hours. That was a lot of fun too and we got to hang out with Dad a little longer.
We said our good-byes and headed back to E's house to get ready for the wedding. My cousin was getting married outside but and it started raining. The poor bride was bawling until it finally stopped almost right on time. The wedding was really cute and my poor cousin was soo nervous. The reception was a blast. E. & I danced and even my mom joined in. They had a huge firework display too. We got to see our whole family and have a lot of laughs.
Yesterday we got up early and headed home. My sister called and said she was glad to be going back because being out scared her, especially at the wedding since a lot of people were drunk or high. I imagine it was quite a shock.
More on my thoughts on my sis in another post. Basically I think she's going to be okay, but we'll see. And I couldn't have asked for a better weekend with my family.
Glad your weekend went well. I understand the nerves. I was a little nervous about my mother-in-law being here all weekend, but it went fine too.
Chat with you later.
10:51 AM
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