Trial run

Went to the hospital today, triage in Labor & Delivery, because I was experiencing some "water breaking" signs. Probably a good sign that I'm not in labor is that I couldn't stop laughing.
So I thought my water broke last night. I came home from the Chicago baby shower (which was AMAZING, more on that later) and went straight to my sister's to babysit Yorke & visit with Mom. Yorke was asleep on my chest so I closed my eyes for like 10 minutes. Then I woke up and handed her to mom so I could pee and make her a bottle (not at the same time).
Peed, stood up washed my hands and SPLAT, soaked undies for lack of a better description. Went and laid down on the bed to play with Yorke before I fed her and a little more came out. Didn't think anything of it but told theMan when we got home and he wigged, appropriately and adorably.
Called the doctor this morning just to see what they thought and she was like "Go to the hospital, now. You'll either be sent home or have the baby." Addie was going nuts last night and I had the worst heartburn, so I thought, "well might as well do a trial run." I think it might have just been "secretions" and I was right. I knew it wasn't anything but between my doctor's office and theMan's concern, I indulged them. However, once we got to the hospital I did start to talk to Addie a little and tell her to just wait, please wait....
After a very painful exam with various instruments I was free and clear of water breakage, but I am dilated "a little". They had me strip, hook up to monitors, the whole 9 yards. Even asked me what I wanted for pain management, like I was in labor. So surreal.
The trip did make me more confident about my doctor. She was on call and showed up and rubbed my feet and was very sweet.
Now at work, everyone keeps looking at me like I'm going to pop. On my way out my boss caught me at the elevator and was like "Um, holy crap!" And just yelling while the doors closed! Ha!
Everything is good though! No contractions, I'm dilated and she sounded perfect. However, the baby has definitely dropped, at least according to absolutely everyone that sees me. She does feel lower, so I'm going to believe them. Feels like it might be soon.
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