Azure Violet

Today I got up and met her for lunch and robe time because I just so happened to have a gift card left from VS. I wasn't totally stoked about their large collection, mostly the sizes ran medium to small and I'm a big gal. But I found the one I loved hidden back in the dressing room! You can see pictures of it in Flickr modeled by theMan who was a little too excited to try it on when he felt how soft it was.
I guess if Jake Gyllenhaal can do drag, my man can get excited about a robe.
The picture to the right represents what can happen if you have $5 left on a Visa gift card from your mom and decide to hit up the cheap jewelry store in your local mall instead of blowing it on a large Frappacino which will go straight to your hips anyways. 10 pieces for $5.00.
As Mrs. T & I walked around we both decided that even though 2006 sucked big gnarly hairy sweaty balls, the good thing was that over the last year we've learned to spend a lot more time on our appearance, for us and it makes us feel so much better. We do our hair, throw some paint on the barn and accessorize more and more every week. I was going through pictures of myself and yea...yikes. Why did we ever wait to start our jewelry and shoe fetish!??! We could have been doing this for years!!
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