
Resolve to Evolve

Want to know one thing I'm definitely not good at? Grace. I've depleted my resources. I've not been a very patient person, a very "trust the universe's plan" kind of hippie, let's say. As you can tell from my nearly psychotic drunk blogging series of late: sometimes I flat out lose my shit.

With the decision to quit my job, move back to Chicago, pack up this entire house and find an apartment in one month and hope theMan can secure employment, while starting business school again, I've gone flat out bat-shit insane. I lose my cool man, on numerous occasions, several times a day.

This is not good but all of those things were our decision I guess. Shoot the messenger and all that. The messenger being everyone in the world that crosses my path.

Tonight I sent a fired up email to my Sociology instructor because I didn't agree with doing group projects for an online class on this message board she created. I was pissed because of my group I was the only one doing the work and it is due Sunday by 12:00 a.m. Apparently everyone else in my group is waiting until 11:59 p.m.

The beauty of online classes are you can log in anytime...ANYTIME. The online feature is good for people that work day or night, that have kids that you have to wait until they sleep to do homework, internet connections that are only fast at 3:00 a.m. So how are you supposed to get on at the same time and do projects?!?!

I don't think I'm wrong for the email, but I could have worded it differently let's say. I maybe shouldn't have told her that this idea was frustrating and not happening and that I expected extra points if I did the entire assignment by myself on top of the other piles of homework due this week. Short of "this is teh ghey!!!111!! OMG!!1!" I was pretty irate.

I get fired up, I get passionate, I run my mouth. Probably why in the 6 months I've lived here I've written 3 letters to the editor. Having a year of therapy under my belt makes me want to see the good in this though. SO let's see, the good in being a reactionary: I make a good person to have on your team about an issue. I stand up for myself. I have so far been able to protect those I love. I don't back down from something I know is right. Um....I'll cut a bitch?

Sigh. I need to relax.

Lord, I'm so going to be that old lady that screams at people to get off her damn lawn already.


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