Okay, so I'm a bit of a nerd. But now that x-mas is over and theMan is bringing home some decent money during his tenure at Threadless, we are able to splurge a little on the foods we had given up during this bout of poverty. I was able to run through the grocery store with complete abandon. I mean pulling stinky cheeses from the refrigerated cases, knocking down displays of organic grapefruits in order to find the best ones, and even putting back the pop-tarts and spending the extra cash on real live oatmeal with brown sugar.
Maybe now I'll stop gaining weight at this alarming rate. Eeep.
Oh...I could go on but it's kinda getting a little desparate isn't it? I suppose I could launch into a diatribe about how the poor only get the crap food and the rich get to eat organic, but I'm of the camp where we got ourselves in this situation, time to get out. So that's what we are doing.
But in the meantime, I'll relish in these high times with a feta mushroom omelet and some yerba mate tea.
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