
Day 4

Day4/365 Days Project
Originally uploaded by MizVoid.
(Sorry, font is wonky-Ed.)

Oh dear lord....

Erica has put up the incriminating pictures from GWO. Go there and please tell my husband to quit hovering his finger over the "Lawyer" on our speed dial.

How about a status update from moving to a small town from the metropolis of Chicago:

Kaboom: Freaking out less and less, but it’s hard to get over the Shoe Massacre of 2006.

theMan: Hates this town but is finding more time to focus on projects, never been more ambitious.

Me: Don’t mind the town or the state or the people, just hate my job and want a house out in the country or nearer to Mrs. T.

So yea….things are not the perfect idyllic dream we had planned but through the cracks of crushing depression about no health insurance and theMan having to deliver appliances to rednecks, is some light. I’ve never seen theMan so full of ambition and confidence about his talents with graphic design. We’ve never had better sex and can’t hardly pass each other without a smooch. Plus, we have a house after 5 years of apartments. It’s a glorified trailer but it’s got a yard and privacy.

I will say though, I find myself distancing from my family nearby. When we first moved here it was constant saturation with family. I felt like I had to be everywhere all the time. Now, I’m finding it easier to hide in my house except once a week for cards or the occasionally drop in.

I did decide over GWO to not try to have a baby in November like planned. I’m trying to find a new job. In fact, I’m about to cry my eyes out over an opportunity I interviewed for last week and they are taking their time about calling for a second interview. I want this so bad. But I can’t very well start a new job in the next couple of months and then get pregnant directly after. Especially if I get this dream job. I want to do a good job at least for 3 months before I do something that will require medical leave. Instead, I bought a new iMac. It’s cute, it’s in the room we’d use as a nursery and it’s soft white just like all those baby blankets.

Although I wouldn’t say it’s cheaper.

Whether I get this dream job or not, I have to find something else to do and soon. My goal is by November 1st. Shitty health insurance is not working for our family. I live in fear of breaking a toe for god sakes.

So that’s the update. Not perfect, but fine and definitely feeling like we’re on the cusp of something big.

Plus, I kinda like going to Wal-Mart. Oh god.


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