
Bed rest

I haven't discussed this much because the further along my sister gets, the more I get protective. Although I feel as though an update is in order.

They feared the baby wasn't growing as much as he should so they've put Sis on strict bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy with ultrasounds prescribed weekly. So far it's been a week and today was the first ultrasound. Guess what? Coen grew one pound in one week! His bones are so strong they had a hard time with the ultrasound since it bounces sound or light or whatever off the womb. Plus! It's definitely a boy, although he's got big balls. So all that blue is not in vain. He also has the chubbiest cheeks. (Although he's got competition with Grace's.)

The best part, he's got a little roll of baby fat on his belly. I can't wait to squeeze it.


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