
You have got to be fucking kidding me

Please, tell me, anyone...what is the benefit of passing this bill? Because I am absolutely fucking blown away by the logic.

Bill Tracking Website and a better decription of it here.

Please tell me there is some satistic I'm missing on mothers who miscarry causing serious social harm to our country, because I'm not getting it. Do they knock off 7-11's? Are they selling crack to kids on playgrounds?

What the fuck is wrong with people?

EDITED TO ADD: I thought I was done with this post, but the more I think about it, the more irate I get. You mean to tell me that now we can be held criminally liable because of something our bodies do spontaneously and usually out of our control? Is this the fucking Middle Ages?

That is like having to go to the police to report it when you catch a cold. Miscarriages aren't abortions, so regardless of your stance on Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice, this isn't the issue. However, as theMan said this morning, I imagine we'll be seeing a lot more of these until the Repubs. reverse Roe vs. Wade.

My blood is boiling.


Blogger darren e. logan said...

maybe we should make it so that every time mr. cosgrove ejaculates outside of a vagina that he has to report it to the cops too.
seems to me that the only point to this is government control of reproduction, so he should be guilty for any wasted semen. i say we include nocternal emmisions too.
-" did you wake up with wet shorts this morning? better call your local reproductive police & let them know, otherwise it's a $500 fine!"

11:27 AM


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