
Fuck vs. Kill

I'm reading this great book before bed, well still reading slowly but surely, called "The Book of the Breast" or "Istar Rising" in later publishings by Robert Anton Wilson. In this latest chapter, he talks about how "fuck" is a word that is disgusting or sometimes even illegal to use but you can say "Kill" on TV or in public whenever you so feel desired.

Now as most of us know the word "FUCK" relates mostly to slang for sexual intercourse. Thankfully it can also be used as an adjective, pronoun, verb, or noun not always relating to sexual intercourse, but you see my point.

Lately that's been proven with FCC fines given to Howard Stern or in a somewhat related event when they fined Janet Jackson for showing her boob, but nothing was done to Jimmy Swaggart for saying he would "kill" any gay man that ever hit on him. Look at the outrage over showing sex in video games or on TV, but you can blow someone's head off in those media formats without a bat of an eye!

Bob relates this to oral or anal personalities, etc. which I won't get into here. But after reading it I felt suddenly justified for my sailor mouth. So here's my question to you to discuss at your local pub: why is sex so frowned upon in this country and why is killing a national pasttime?

It can't be the Bible can it? I mean in the 10 commandments God clearly doesn't want any killing (zilch, zero, nada, not even a loophole for Americans against killing little brown people in foreign countries although our government would have you believe otherwise) but the only thing against sex in that big book is not before marriage, no adultry or with the same sex. (Geez God, lighten up?) He/She doesn't say no sex whatsoever. He doesn't even say don't have a foot fetish or enjoy S&M. From what I've read God could give 2 shits as long as it's in the confines of marriage, well same-sex marriage.

So what is it?


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