Pix up in ya'

There are new pix up in the zombie album...Click Here! Click Here! Click Here! Then scroll to the bottom.
They are from our big filming night where we did 5 scenes all in Jen K.'s dark scary basement on Sunday. Things have sorta ground to a halt the past couple days. Hope to be back in full swing this weekend since it's almost the end of August and that was our deadline. Not anyone's fault though. Monday we had a cook-out and Tuesday we got free grub courtesy of our boss...so ya know.
Oh, I forgot to tell you folks. I really liked "Holy Mountain" by Alejandro Jodorowsky but I think my new favorite of his is "El Topo." I didn't even finish it and I still loved it!! Odd Obsession is becoming the coolest thing about living in Chicago.
Anyhoo...that's all tonight. Chow.
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