
Hey! Guess what? Michael Moore will be in Chicago at Border's on 150 North State Street signing his new book, "Dude, Where's My Country?" on Tuesday, October 14th at 12:00 p.m. Bring your sharpie!

You can even go ahead and send Gen. Ashcroft your receipt from the book purchase to get right on his evil list. I love Michael Moore.

In Michael Moore's spirit, here are some links/info for you from his site. I've also added some important links to the left for those of you that feel as hopeless as me about our country.:

It's Stop Military Recruiters Day around the country. Go to this site for more information on demonstrations being held.

Send an e-mail to your congressman to stop Bush from spending millions to continue his daddy's war in Iraq.

What the fuck is the Patriot Act? Wanna know what our "Thief-In-Chief" and his cronies passed into law while we were all on edge from 9/11, read about it here.

Bill of Rights Defense Committee has ways to make you feel a lot less hopeless.

On a side note, I'd like to admit that I didn't vote before, but I have registered earlier this year and plan on it this next presidential election. Hope you will too!


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