Welcome new baby

This weekend I was lucky enough to help take the nephew out trick-or-treating in the Square. He was so cute and clearly the best Batman there. He also picked up on the getting candy fairly quick for being 2. Stinker.
Posting may be light this week as I'm staying with my nephew to care for him full time while my sister has her new baby! Yay! Expect adorable newborn pics shortly.
In pregnancy news, I'm 20 weeks today and feeling it move and flip around! theMan loves to talk to the baby now and put his hand on it when we are snuggling. Everything I had always daydreamed about when I thought I might be lucky enough to be pregnant one day. Thursday we HOPEFULLY find out the sex. If it's a girl, I'm going directly to Babies R Us and buying this outfit I found. I can't help it. I got the bug.
Anyway, will report back on new niece/nephew status. Stay tuned!
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