
My Life: Things To Do Before I Go

Mighty Girl did it, and like most everything she does, it was pretty inspiring. So I had to as well. Plus, lately and eerily, I'm finding that by stating what I want out loud, it happens. So here it goes Ether...let's get to it.

1-20 of my list:
1. Scuba dive
2. Ride a camel in the desert
3. See the Pyramids
4. Stand at the bathhouse ruins at the Sutro Baths, in Point Lobos,CA at sunrise
5. Learn to Tango in Argentina
6. Cross the Canadian border
7. Have a croissant at a French cafe
8. Take a road trip across the U.S.
9. Beers at a pub in Ireland
10. Have a business with my name on the door/lease
11. Go on a multi-day motorcycle trip
12. Open a used bookstore
13. Grow a vegetable
14. Publish a piece of fiction/non-fiction
15. Know basic French
16. Speak and read Spanish fluently again
17. Set foot on all seven continents
18. Set foot in all fifty states
19. Help someone adopt a child
20. Stand atop the Great Wall of China

More to come...


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