Happy Birthday Jen K!

To celebrate we met her and Jose and all of her friends at what I am forever dubbing Worlds Greatest Bar or Danny's if you want to look it up in your phone book. They have theMan's 2 favorite beers on tap, Maudite & Ayinger and it's like being in that party house you went to for pot in high school. Even when it's packed it's not obnoxious.
Sunday night there was a dance competition and my only regret was not being able to stay to see it go down. People were in track suits and stretching for it.
I haven't talked to Jen K today but I'm betting she won the whole fucking thing.
They will be leaving Chicago for warmer pastures in the next month, month-in-a-half and I'm very sad. Jen K. and Jose make me feel alive, they force us out into the world and to unknown EXPERIENCE! As we sat there smiling, laughing, yelling we all agreed to not let their hard work go to waste after they are gone. Yes, we might not go out until 2:00 a.m. on a Sunday night and pester Croatian men, but we will get out there and hopefully channel those two live wires.
Happy Birthday Jen K., you make me awake!
Mistress Foy! That was such a nice thing to say. Quite possibly the nicest thing ever said about me. I will miss you more than I can express with the English Language.
I didn't win the competition, but I did have my first experience with public nudity (almost). It was sooo fun and I'm glad that you, Chadd, and Jason were there to share it with me.
9:24 PM
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