Home for the Wayward Teen

Not sure if I mentioned this on here, but for a few Sundays now we've been hosting a "Home for the Wayward Teens" dinner at our house. I have no idea why I call it that, it just strikes me as being funny. We all like to think of ourselves as 18, we like to eat, and since I don't have any children to feed, I like to play mother. Yes, I realize that could be reason enough for a whole 3 hours on the doctor's couch, but eh. Sue me.
I purchased this "3-4 Ingredient Cookbook for the Minimalist Kitchen" awhile back from Borders bargain bin and when I finally cracked it open I discovered it's fabulous-I'm sorry, I don't think you got that: FABULOUS.
It's exactly how I like to cook: Complicated enough to make me feel like I'm being creative, yet easy and cheap enough (only 3-4 ingredients to buy!) to feed more than 2 people and all under 45 minutes of preparation. So I've been posting recipes and pictures in flickr in the "Wayward Teens" set.
This week I made peach pie from scratch complete with a pasta dish and Sis brought over peach bellini drinks (rum, peach schnapps, champagne & ice). We were joined by BIL, Coney Sauce, Rope and Jzn. A house full of talk, laughter, and piles of dirty dishes.
Just like I envision actual motherhood.
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