I quit

Lately I've been feeling like life is extremely short. I keep thinking about my friend's struggle with cancer, my grandparents all passing away within the last 4 months, just the general fleeting life we all get a chance at. It's kinda freaking me out. This weekend at my grandfather's birthday party I just couldn't hold it together. I kept crying over everything. From someone asking me about having babies (albeit across the room multiple times) to some old biddies telling me my hair looked awful to my grandpa talking to his old next door neighbor. Then I cried on the way home too for no reason whatsoever.
Lately I just can't muster up the energy to care about algebra, business ethics, or statistics. I cringe to think about the $24,000 tab at the end of this in 3 years. I just don't care. So I don't. I don't like quitting things and I think that was the biggest step, but as some lady said to me when she overheard me talking about the situation to my mates at the coffee shop on Sunday: Don't be your own Grand Inquisitor.
So I'm not. My new goal: Do something I love every single day. Maybe not all day, maybe not very much of it, but at least one thing that brings me absolute joy. And really, why not?
Life is too god damn short not to enjoy it. Right?
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