

My mother was hit last Sunday by her husband. So bad that she had purple and yellow bruises on her chin and neck. I’d go into the reason but not only is it so god damn stupid your mind would be blown, I’d fear that your entire head would pop off it’s shoulders. But the reason doesn’t matter. Her face was a mess because he hit her.

I wish I could say this was the first time, hell, I wish I could say it was the first time in her life, but it’s not. He’s pushed her before, but never left bruises on her face that I knew of. And if it wasn’t him it was another step-dad before him, before that her biological father.

But guess what….she went right back to him. Saying she wanted to work through this and she owed it to his daughter. Blah blah blah

2 days into “working through it” she makes excuses for him. Says he has never felt better, that their relationship has grown. All that motherfucker has had to do is get up and go to work. I bet he doesn’t even have to look at her bruises that he gave her because everytime I see her she has a ton of make-up on.

And if he does see her bruises, I can assure you he hasn't got on his knees to beg forgiveness. He hasn't cried and promised her the world. He hasn't done a god damn thing.

He doesn’t have to go to work and have all his co-workers look at him like a victim. He doesn’t have to face a counselor, his family, or a battered women’s group to ask for help. He doesn’t even have to explain himself to us or to his own daugther. Mom did all the work for him. All he has to do is go about his life like it never happened and hope we all forget enough to still talk to him occasionally. No one can tell what he did unless she is standing right next to him without all that foundation on. He’ll commit to couple’s counseling for as long as mom wants to put on the show and go about his business until the next ignorant reason pops up and he’ll do it again.

He never had to go to jail. He never had to face the music.

But he’s going to face the music with me and my sister. Because if there is one thing we are, we're some vengeful bitches.

I get to make his life as uncomfortable as motherfucking possible whenever I’m around. In fact, I’ll relish the task. I’ll think of ways to make that cocksucker squirm. Because if there is one thing that is a god damn dealbreaker in my world, it’s hitting a woman. And if there is something greater than hitting a woman, it’s hitting my mother or my sister or my best friend.

I will not stand for that bullshit, ever.

The last time I witnessed it I was too small to fight back. I was too little and too dependent on my mother to take a stand. All I could do was yell at my step-dad to stop, to take my sister to the basement so she wouldn’t be scared, and to sit in the car for hours on end in the heat while they "worked it out" so I wouldn’t have to go back in that house when she’d take him back over and over.

But I’m a lot stronger now. I’m a lot bigger and I’m a lot more brave and I don’t have to depend on my mother to take care of me any longer.

Fuck that.

I’ve never liked the phrase I’m about to write, but there just isn’t anything else that seems more fitting: It’s on bitch, it’s so on.


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