
Slow Down

Jen K & Jose brought over a copy of the edited music video that we did for "Academy Is..." last night and it was pretty freaking good. I can't find a link to it now, but the song is "Slow Down" so feel free to do your own googling.

It's your standard jumpy music video sucky editing, but the production design work and the camera shots were quite lovely. I don't say that just because I happen to have a crush on the Production Designer and DP either, I swear.

Other than that just a standard night of loving on the doggie, eating dinner with theMan and watching a brilliant french film with the sister. We weren't robbed last night so that's a bonus.

The dog is seriously working his way into being the best dog on the planet. For instance, in the mornings I take him for a 20 minute walk and then let him loose on the YECK?! to just generally lose his mind. He was running in circles and sprinting all over like he couldn't help himself. So freaking cute. Not to mention when theMan gets up to leave for work and he puts Kaboom?! in bed with me to snuggle, I think I die a little everytime.

This experience has definately changed me. I think I will fully support the Humaine Society from here on out. All our pets are coming from them and based on this excellent experience, I'm hooked. There is also a "Flood Rescue" shelter in Chicago that I recommend checking out as well, although I can't speak for their practices, I just think it's sad all those poor animals were shipped all the way up here from the Hurricanes. We won the dog lottery though, I just can't get over it. Dr. Kaboom?! is a sweetie and as soon as I get a new battery charger (that was stolen too) for my camera, expect daily pictures of his cuteness.


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