
My prince

Now that my mind is a little clearer (I'm off the Vicodens) and I'm starting to remember things plus I'm now able to stay awake for more than 3 hours at a time, I feel like I need to thank some people for treating me like a queen. (Did I tell you that I fell asleep 3 times during my first post home from the hospital? Yea.)

theMan has been my rock. He held my hand the entire time he was allowed to be at my side. When I was in surgery and taking longer than expected (3 hours longer) Grams said he was pacing and demanding to get back to see me. When I woke up in recovery and he walked in all teary and whispered that I could sleep if I needed too, I passed out peacefully. When I was in and out of conciousness during that first day and he stayed by my side the whole time so when I woke up, he was there...so cute. He slept with just his jacket covering him at the hospital and only left to go to work. He emptied my bedpan (which I warned him might cause him to not want to have sex with me ever again) and he fought with the nurses to let me finally get up and use the real toliet.

He walked my IV around while I had to circle the halls to get my blood moving. He snuck me some pudding and a supply of peach teas when the liquid diet wasn't cutting it. He laid in my bed and did a word search with me to keep me occupied. Since I've been home he's changed my bandages, cleaned the house, tracked my medicine intake, waited on me hand and foot and made sure I was comfortable. He was right in his first post on Just My Blog...It isn't often we're separated and I love him tremendously too. Times like these really show you what kind of a man you have in your life. He's a man, 100%. Baby, when I finally get to take a shower, you better watch out.

My house currently looks like a funeral parlor what with the huge bouquets of flowers surrounding me! My friends and family rock. My mom and Grams and sister have all been keeping me company and stocked with good foods the entire week too. You should have seen the boxes of junk food my Grams bought to get us through the winter. I'm sure we're all going into diabetic comas.

Plus, last night Darren and my buddies came over to play some games even though I had to go to bed at 9:30 in the middle of a rousing round of 90's Trivial Pursuit. YOU GUYS ROCK.

Basically, I could never have gotten through this surgery and recovery without all you rockin' people. Thanks for the phone calls, the good wishes and the thoughts! Although I'm not off the couch yet but I can't wait to get back out there and return the favor!


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