
I'm boring

I’m trying desperately to be witty here, I swear. But now it seems this blog is turning into “Things I did today.” Maybe the new corporate job is sucking my creativity out of me, or maybe it’s these constrictive leather shoes…I don’t know. But I’m trying, okay?

I couldn’t be more finished with living in that wood paneled hell than I am right now. I’m so over it, I don’t even feel like packing and packing ALWAYS makes me happy. We pretty much stopped packing anything last Saturday and there it all sits, mocking me. Our mom is coming up Saturday to help move so I guess I gotta get on the ball. Especially since I think we get the keys Friday night to the new place.!

I need to admit something here. I have kept myself away from any real world news for the past couple months. I haven’t watched hardly any TV, I haven’t read newspapers or looked at any news websites. I’m officially out of the loop and it’s making me feel kinda dumb. It just kinda turns my stomach when I try to keep up on it. Not only world events but new music and technology. I feel a little Amish. The only thing I’ve kept up on is fashion and how vain is that? I can give you the hot looks for fall but I couldn’t tell you what is going on with the war.

This could possibly be why I can’t come up with a very creative blog post to save my life.

The new job has been great still but sorta boring this week since I’m not assigned any clients yet. I sit here and try to keep away from the chocolate bowl while sipping some coffee for at least 5 hours out of the day. I don’t dare get online much since I’m not sure what they monitor. So if you haven’t seen me on your blog or site, you know why.

Tonight I meet up with a friend from out of town who is here on business for drinks and Cajun food until we vomit on her company’s dime. How sweet is that? I’m sure I’ll be ready to pack tonight after all that, right?


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