
The MV in the hizzy

We're going to see Mars Volta tonight, so in their honor I've got "Frances the Mute" on repeat for most of the day. One of those great albums you can just leave on, every song is a compliment to the next.

Lyrics from "The Widow":
He's got fasting black lungs
Made of clove splintered shards
They're the kind that will talk
Through a weezing of coughs

And I hear him every night
In every pore
And every time he just makes me warm

Freeze without an answer
Free from all the shame
Must I hide?
Cause I'll never
Never sleep alone

Yum. This is an album I sent to my dad, my music loving, record collecting dad, with only the suggestion on the cover that he get a rose colored wine, a porch seat and an incoming storm to go along with this CD. It's that good.


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