

We settled on the couch last night and were prepared to have our minds blown. And that, is exactly what happened.

We watched "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and honestly, I am not sure if I can put into words how it's running around in my mind right now.

Several things impressed me and made me think even after I woke up this morning:
1.) The affect of emotions/thoughts on water molecules. If that happens when you think negatively about a glass of water, what about us who are made up of, what 70%, water?
2.) The way negative reactors attach to our cells and when the cells divide they take the negative reactors with them and push out minerals and vitamins, which cause us to age.
3.) The way "love" or any emotion we feel is basically not about any other person but how our brain reacts or is addicted to those emotions.
4.) That each of us control our realities in the world, so that makes each of us connected.
5.) It's not the eyes that see but the brain that sees, like a tape in a camera. The lens being the eyes. So wouldn't our brains be telling us what we're seeing?
6.) The story that the Indians on the Carribean islands couldn't see Columbus's ships coming in because they had no way in their realities of knowing what a ship would look like. The shaman (I think?) noticed after several days the water ripples and eventually saw the ships on the horizon then when he told the others, they could see them too.
7.) The studies of people, large groups, meditating for periods of time to bring down the crime rate by 25% in Washington DC. Just by meditating. So wouldn't what each of us do, affect things in the world more than we think?

I'm am sooo not doing justice to this movie or the way it makes Quantum Physics incredibly easy to understand. Just see it, but see it with someone because you will want to discuss it afterwards.

The one item I really liked, which I have struggled with for some time is the part of God being separate from us that we all must look too, worship, etc. Very very good explanation of this in this film. Which came surprisingly after we watched a George Carlin interview where he summed up religion to my humor....

"There is an invisible guy up in the sky who looks down on us and sees everything we do and has 10 rules which he wants you to follow. And if you don't! He will send you to a firey, burning, awful place where you will be tormented and burned and in pain for ever and ever...but he loves you! And he needs your money!"

What a night.


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